USSSA Great Lakes Nationals (Evansville)

  • Tournament Date
    Jul 07 - Jul 12 2025
  • Entry Fee

Tournament Division

Division Entry Fee Gate Fee Max Entries Teams

Event Ballparks

Venue Name Address Maps link
Deaconess Sports Park 6800 N Green River Road, Evansville, IN, 47725 Open in Maps
Newburgh Sports Complex 5433 Vann Road, Newburgh, IN, 47630 Open in Maps
Newman Park 1020 Sand Lane, Henderson, KY, 42420 Open in Maps
Jack C. Fisher Park 3900 W. 5th St, Owensboro, KY, 42301 Open in Maps
Venue Name
Deaconess Sports Park
6800 N Green River Road, Evansville, IN, 47725
Venue Name
Newburgh Sports Complex
5433 Vann Road, Newburgh, IN, 47630
Venue Name
Newman Park
1020 Sand Lane, Henderson, KY, 42420
Venue Name
Jack C. Fisher Park
3900 W. 5th St, Owensboro, KY, 42301

Event Lodging

Note: If you don't know which venue you'll be playing at and want to book in advance, click here to find hotels that are geographically centered between all venues.

Venue Name Address Dates Details
Deaconess Sports Park 6800 N Green River Road, Evansville, IN, 47725 Jul 7-12 Find Hotels
Newburgh Sports Complex 5433 Vann Road, Newburgh, IN, 47630 Jul 7-12 Find Hotels
Newman Park 1020 Sand Lane, Henderson, KY, 42420 Jul 7-12 Find Hotels
Jack C. Fisher Park 3900 W. 5th St, Owensboro, KY, 42301 Jul 7-12 Find Hotels
Venue Name
Deaconess Sports Park
6800 N Green River Road, Evansville, IN, 47725
Jul 7-12
Venue Name
Newburgh Sports Complex
5433 Vann Road, Newburgh, IN, 47630
Jul 7-12
Venue Name
Newman Park
1020 Sand Lane, Henderson, KY, 42420
Jul 7-12
Venue Name
Jack C. Fisher Park
3900 W. 5th St, Owensboro, KY, 42301
Jul 7-12

Event Updates


Welcome to the 2025 USSSA Great Lakes Nationals in Evansville, Indiana. Indiana USSSA along the Evansville CVB, Evansville Sports Corp are glad you chose Evansville as you choice to play a Nationals.

We have hosted the last 7 years in Evansville and have been very successful with these events, We have hosted up to 222 teams being the most and hosting 159 during the covid year being the lowest number. Once again we expect to see a fun filled week of softball.

Here are some things you will need to know:

This is a Stay To Play event with Site Search being the host site. Over the years I have dealt with many housing companies and they have by far the best I have worked with. 

Event info:

This is a 5 game guaranteed event. 

Opening ceremonies are planned for Monday Morning at 9:30AM CST and will be held at Deaconess Park.

Parade line up will begin at 9:00AM with parade starting at 9:30AM

We will announce the theme of this event in March.

Skills competitions will begin after parade. We will give age groups certain schedules on times they will go for skills competitions. 

We will announce what competitions we are doing in May.

Winners of skill competitions will be announced on Monday evening.

Teams can do pin trading anytime on Monday during all events.

We will have games, rides, food and fun things planned during the day.

Fun games and rides will be provided by Bouncers R US 

Coaches meeting/Umpire meeting Time and locations to be announced in May.

Coaches check in at Deaconess Park from 7:00AM to 12:00PM on the stage during opening ceremonies or at Deaconess or you can check in at coaches meeting.

Tuesday:          Pool play begins tentative 8:00AM CST Last game tentative 6:30PM

Wednesday     Pool play continues with same tentative schedule.

Thursday:        Bracket schedule begins TBA

Friday:             Bracket play continues TBA

Saturday:        Championship day.

Sunday:          Only needed in case we have inclement weather and is needed.

Parks to be used: Tentative and could change

Deaconess Park: Evansville 8U through 14U teams             Fields are turf

Newburgh Park:  10U through 14U teams                             Fields are dirt

Jack Fisher Park: Owensboro, Ky 16U and 18U teams        Fields are turf

Newman Park:     Henderson, KY if needed                          Fields are dirt

Vendors coming but more with more possible. All will be set up on Monday:

Wicked Sports and Apparel will be your official tournament vendor. Pre-orders can be done. More info on this in May.

Dudley Sports: 


BowNet Sports

Tournament rules:

?All rules are under USSSA rules. If any rule is not found in USSSA rulebook we will then go to the NF rulebook.

Bat checks will be done before each game. Please set bats out along the fence once you enter the dugout.

All lineup cards should have the players first and last name along with the number and position playing. No player may have the same number. 

Uniforms should be in the same color. We will not enforce the rule of teams must be 100% dress the same due to this is the end of the year and payers have quit teams and we do not want teams to have to spend an addition cost at the end of the year to buy uniforms. 

Pitchers may take one minute to warmup between innings or 5 pitches. 

No infield will be allowed once the officials have walked onto the field, This will include warming up pitchers. If you want to do that do it in the outfield throwing away from the umpires. 

Courtesy runners: If you have a sub, then that player must be your courtesy runner first, if no sub then go to LCAB. The same runner cannot run for both the pitcher and catcher in the same innings. If you bat entire lineup and your pitcher or catcher is at the top of your lineup and gets on base and no out have been recorded, then you go to the bottom of the lineup. 

DP/Flex is connected to each other. 

Coaches are allowed three trips to the mound on the fourth trip the pitcher must be removed. 

Three coaches only allowed in dugout. You may have a fourth if it is your scorekeeper.

Home team is official scorekeeper and must sign the umpire card at the end of the game. Noting that the correct score is being entered.

Scores are important as we do seed pool plays and bracket will be seeded off how teams do in pool play. 

Run rules: 12 after 3 innings, 10 after 4 innings, 8 after 5 innings.

Run rules 8U there is no run rule after three innings.

A max of 6 runs per inning allowed for 8U, this includes the last inning. 

A coach on each side of the outfield line can be posted to help the players on defense. 

Players will have 5 pitches or three strikes. A foul ball on the 5th pitch will allow the batter to continue to get a hit or be put out. 

Any batter hitting the pitcher coach will be consider a dead ball ball strike.

Catchers may thro behind runners to get them out, however no runner can advance at anytime an overthrow is committed.


Inclement weather line and info: Phone line is 812-350-3272. We will update the App and send emails out

In case of inclement weather the tournament director has the right to change the format to get event in. It can be but not limited to, shortening game times. shortening number of innings played to get a completed game in within 2 and half innings to have a completed game if home team is winning, dropping as many pool play games as needed, dropping losers bracket if needed. 

Zero Tolerance Policy: Any spectator ejected from a game will be ejected for the entire event. if you want to call strikes, outs etc we can suit you up to umpire. We will enforce this rule.

Park rules:

Please no pets allowed. Do not bring your pets into the park you will be made to leave.

No alcohol allowed inside any park.

No outside coolers please. One team cooler will be allowed. 

No tobacco products allowed including vaping.

No sunflower seeds or gum allowed on turf fields.

Teams playing on any turf field must wear turf shoes, molded cleats or tennis shoes. 

Teams are expected to cleanup their dugouts before leaving.


There will be gate fees for this event: You can buy your weekly pass on Monday during opening ceremonies.

Weekly passes: $45

Daily passes:    $15

Seniors weekly $30      (62 years old)

Seniors  Daily $15

Children under 10 free: Anyone above 10 is regular pass price

For more info on this event please contact the following: 

Tim Foster Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM EST      

USSSA State Office: 812-379-9001 

Cell after hours:        812-350-5129

Email:                       [email protected] 

Website:                   infastpitch.usssa.com 

USSSA has all rights to this event:

January 01, 2025 - 10:37am


For more information in regards to this event, please contact:


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