USSSA 16U/18U State

  • Tournament Date
    Jun 20 - Jun 22 2025
  • Entry Fee
  • Stature
    State GP
  • Age Groups
    16U - 18U
  • Admission


Tournament Division

Division Entry Fee Gate Fee Max Entries Teams

Event Ballparks

Venue Name Address Maps link
Twin Lakes Complex 2350 W Bloomfield Rd, Bloomington, IN, 47403 Open in Maps
Winslow Sports Complex 2800 S Highland Ave, Bloomington, IN, 47401 Open in Maps
Venue Name
Twin Lakes Complex
2350 W Bloomfield Rd, Bloomington, IN, 47403
Venue Name
Winslow Sports Complex
2800 S Highland Ave, Bloomington, IN, 47401

Event Lodging

Note: If you don't know which venue you'll be playing at and want to book in advance, click here to find hotels that are geographically centered between all venues.

Venue Name Address Dates Details
Twin Lakes Complex 2350 W Bloomfield Rd, Bloomington, IN, 47403 Jun 20-22 Find Hotels
Winslow Sports Complex 2800 S Highland Ave, Bloomington, IN, 47401 Jun 20-22 Find Hotels
Venue Name
Twin Lakes Complex
2350 W Bloomfield Rd, Bloomington, IN, 47403
Jun 20-22
Venue Name
Winslow Sports Complex
2800 S Highland Ave, Bloomington, IN, 47401
Jun 20-22

Event Updates


Thanks for entering this event. We hope to provide your team with the best playing experience possible. If you have concerns about this event please email [email protected]

Weather line info will be sent through the usssa app so please be signed up for the app. In case the app doesn't work, then we will use our rain out line info that will be sent out later.

Refunds info

Refunds will not be issued after the closer of the event deadline. Most all deadlines are 14 days out from the start of the event.

Once the event is full we will ask for payment to hold your spot in the event. You will have 24 hours to make payment or if a team wants the spot they will be granted your spot if they are paying at that time.

Weather refunds are based on the number of games plays:

(a) Any team receiving 3 games in a 4 game guarantee will not be issued a refund.

(b)Any team playing two game of a four game guarantee will be issued a 25% refund.

(c) Any teams playing one game in a four game guarantee will be issued a 50% refund.

(d) If no games are played then the tournament will keep $50 for their admin fees to cover cost that they may have obtained while running this event.

(e) Any events that are different than four game guarantees refunds will be determined by the director of that event.

 (f) in case of inclement weather the tournament director has the option to change the format to but not               limited to (a) shortening game times, (b) shortening number of innings per game, (C) changing run rules,       (D) dropping pool play game seeding bracket on USSSA points, (e) dropping losers brackets. 

Stay to Play 

We do not use stay to play in any event except our USSSA National event, however we may ask teams to provide us a list of housing they are using at the request of the local visitor center.

Park Rules:

Most all parks have the same rules:

(a) one outside team cooler

(b) no pets allowed except service pets

(c) no tobacco usage including vaping.

(d) no outside alcohol allowed. Some parks may sale alcohol. Coaches are not allowed to drink ad coach.

(e) RV parking is differently at all parks. we will keep you informed.

(f) we will inform teams on whether complexes are turf or not.

Tournament rules: 

(a) directors running events can set their own time limits. All my event time limits will be as follows:

     (1) Regular games are 70  minute game in pool play. Pool play may end in a tie.

     (2) Bracket games are 70 minutes finish the inning.

     (3) Events will 75 minute games are Battle of the bats, Dudley Classic, State Tournament, NIT events, Regional.

     (4) National events all game will be 75 minutes.

    (5) Coin flip determines home team in pool play.

    (6) Bracket play will be determined by the higher seed out of pool play.

    (7) Home team will be in charge of the official scorebook. Game changer can be used. 

    (8) Once umpires call for plate meeting there will no infield or pitching at that time for the safety of coaches and               umpires. This will be strictly enforced. 

    (9) There will be no rule for a player wearing a different uniform, however we do insist that players do not have                 duplicate  numbers. 

    (10) Lineup cards shall consist of the players name, number and position. 

Rule rules:

12 run rule after 3 innings

10 run rule after 4 innings

8  run rule after 5 innings.

Exception 8U there will be no run rule after 3 innings.


Indiana USSSA has a zero tolerance policy for abuse toward all our staff which includes but not limited to directors, UIC'S, umpire, gate workers, vendor's and park staff. Any parent ejected from the game is ejected for the entire weekend. A coach ejection is for one game. If a second ejection comes in the same event, then that coach is ejected from the event. If these ejections occur during the last game, then they will be enforced at the next event regardless what USSSA event you play in.


   All roster must be on line, including any guest players you are using.

   Do not use a player that is on another team and add her to your roster by using a different name spelling       for her. This creates more than one player ID that we have to clean up and if caught during your event if         may remove her off your roster if we combine her ID's during that event which creates you using a player       that was not approved as a guest player.

    Any team using an illegal player in pool play will have to forfeit all games played and be placed last place      in the pool seeding. If the player is caught during bracket play, then your team will be forfeited out of the        event and placed last place in the tournament.

   The coach will also be issued a warning for using an illegal player, the second offense will we result in a         tournament suspension, while a third time may result in a year being suspended from all play.

Starting games early: No game shall start earlier than 15 minutes prior to start of game times. This includes any games in the state of Indiana. If teams are there and ready to play, then starting early is granted. 

Park addresses:

All park addresses are under the events. If you cannot find them email me at  [email protected]

Gate fees:

Most all facilities charge  GATE FEE  at the entrance which is CASH ONLY please do not be nasty with gate workers as they work for USSSA or the parks and are doing their jobs.

Each event you will be given armbands based on what you paid for. It is your job to put these on and wear them at all times during this event. Anyone caught sharing, passing out and giving their bands to someone else both parties will be subject to ejection for the weekend. If you lose your band, then you will have to buy another band. 

You must have this on when exiting the park to go to your car, or leaving and coming back in. If you leave it in your purse, tied to your purse etc, then you will have to walk back and get your band. 

This is for Tim Foster events only: 

Weekend passes:         $25

Daily passes:                $15

Seniors                          $15 covers weekend

Children under 10:       Free

Indiana Directors: 

State Tournament Director: Tim Foster     [email protected]  State Office 812-379-9001

USSSA C Director:              Jason Kleber [email protected] 

USSSA Select Director:        Mark Feller  [email protected] 

Southwest Indiana Director: Drew Grass [email protected] jstdoitsportsevents.com 

Northern Indiana Director:     Brian Knipp [email protected]

Southern, Indiana/Louisville  Brian Fraley and Scott Brandenburg [email protected] 

Thank you again for playing Indiana USSSA,

Tim Foster

Indiana State Director 

January 02, 2025 - 07:42am


For more information in regards to this event, please contact:


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